
Florida Lemon Law has a Birthday this month, turns 20 years old

Most, if not all 51 states have lemon laws that protect consumers against being stuck with a defective lemon car (some state laws are better than others). This month, the Florida Lemon Law, which is namely an arbitration program for consumers, has a twentieth (20th) birthday.

Comparatively, the Texas Lemon Law is arguably slightly better than the Florida Lemon Law (but not by far); primarily because Texas has a serious safety provision that Florida’s lemon law lacks. The two state lemon laws can improve tremendously and help more consumers by providing for attorney fee shifting and also adding a garden variety provision for repair attempts that is not for the same defect.

All consumers should be aware that Florida’s lemon law has strict rules and deadlines — consumer must file a claim within the first 24,000 miles of delivery of the subject vehicle. In addition, there must be 3 unsuccessful repairs or 15 calendar days at the service center.

For more information about Florida’s 20th birthday for its lemon law, go here.

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