
Texas Lemon Law Blog


Will Toyota’s effort to increase worldwide sales to 9.85 million in 2008 directly create more lemon in Texas?

Toyota has been a consistent reliable brand to drive, with diversified top selling models such as the Camry sedan, the subcompact Corolla, and the semi-environmentally conscious gas/electric hybrid Prius. Growing up, my family were loyal Toyota fans. However, recently, I’ve noticed a sharp perceived decrease in the quality of Toyota…


Consumer paints lemons on her lemon car and parks it outside near the dealership of purchase

Often times, consumers who purchased lemon cars call my office to seek guidance under the Texas Lemon Law, but I have yet to encounter a potential client that has done this before… To signify that the vehicle she purchased is a lemon, Christy Direnzo painted yellow lemons and the car…

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