Each time you take your vehicle into the manufacturer, ever notice how the repair invoices you receive are stated a specific way? Most often, it will start off by stating “customer states…” Also, ever notice how the repair invoices are worded in a way that is mostly true, but not 100% accurate? Inaccurate repair invoices written by car manufacturers is perhaps the biggest reason that consumers in Texas lose when filing a Texas Lemon Law claim or lawsuit.
Service managers and employees who work for the service department of each manufacturer’s car dealership have been trained, if not over-trained, on how to write these repair invoices. Why? This is to protect the vehicle manufacturer and dealership.
In case you decide to open a Texas Lemon Law claim or file a Texas Deceptive Trade Practices (DTPA) lawsuit, these entities will already be 100 steps ahead of you. They have been prepared to be sued before you actually have purchased or brought your vehicle in for repairs.